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Pinup and Glamour FRANCE (and French-speaking countries)

Audaces n°5
Beauté magazine n° 65
Beauté magazine n° 66
Beauté magazine n° 67
Beauté magazine n° 68
Beauté magazine n° 69
Beauté magazine n° 71
Beauté magazine n° 72
Beauté magazine n° 74

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Large size magazines

Beauté magazine n° 65

Beauty was launched in 1929 and published to the war. After war, the same editor was always in activity ("Paris cocktail", "Paris plaisirs", "Paris paradise") and he re-used the title “Beauty magazine” by coupling it with other titles because of the censure: "Beauté magazine et Paris cocktail", "Paris plaisirs et Beauté magazine”. he re-used “Beauty magazine” alone, in 1952, but there was only the n° 1 (It is at the national Library), prohibition having fallen immediately. The editor was probably Pierre Ulysse. It was the name indicated as directing of publication in the magazine published after war (to the editions AS), and the magazines prewar, which did not specify a company editor, only the address, comprised publicities for books with the “Ulysse editions”, which gives rise to think that he was really the owner, and not a figurehead or a manager. But one should not exclude the possibility of a son succeeding his father. (There were a lot of in the erotic edition: René Roques / Georges Roques, Roland Gagey / Jean-Paul Gagey, Jacques Jacquet / Richard Jacquet.… The address before war and after war was the same one, the  : 6 rue François-1er, à Paris, which is that also of a bookshop named in the publicities. Considering this address remained unchanged during so a long time, one can suppose that it was not a domiciliation and that Pierre Ulysse had at this address bookshop and offices.
The history of this magazine was made with the complicity of Bernard Joubert, author common of the book “les Pin-up”, whose “histoires  de la censure” was just be republished.

eautés Magazine n°65, juin 1936
« Eté » par Pierre Andrieu, « Sophie Krasnowska » par René d’Ailly, « Artistes ou sadiques » par Pierrasol, « Et qui te possède est en délire » par Alin Monjardin, « Au vert » par Paul Corail, « L’aiguillette nouée » par Michel Scète, « Pour lui plaire » par De Nicolaï
Photos : Beautés Magazine, Riebeke, Pierre Boucher, André Steiner, Dora Maar, Vera Jablonowsky
Photos en hélio noir et blanc,
4 sépia sur papier épais, et 4 photos couleur

 Illustrations from the magazine

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