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Pin-up and Glamour USA (UK, etc...)

Beauty Parade V10 n° 4
Beauty Parade V10 n° 5
Beauty Parade V10 n° 6
Beauty Parade V13 n° 2
Beauty Parade V13 n° 5
Billy Rose's Aquacade, avril 1939
Cavalier V13N124
Esquire V31N5
Esquire V32N5

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Large size magazines

Beauty Parade V10 n° 4

Previous   Beauty Parade V10 n° 4

Beauty Parade V10 n°4 Septembre 1951
Ed. L. Bennett
Avec : Joy Hanie, Jackie Smith, Edie Lynn, Ardith Jones, Penny Art, Rita Sand, Ava Norring, Donna Davis (Betty Page?), Sunni Dexter, Sue Kelly, Candy Williams, Holly Paris, Lynn Marlow, Bee Brown, Bunny Lawrence, Billi Byers, Winnie Garrett, Gae Daley, Ero Michaels (poster central double page), Joan Manners, Peggy Wallace, Trina Deane, Rusty Hilton, Susan Day, Ceil Cain, Albie Gaye, Cindy Dale, Elinor Wright, Julie Jordan, Hildy Jonson, Bobbi Burt, Ann Dru, Taffy Trail, Carole Plevin, etc...
Scènes comiques, showgirls, combat féminin, etc...
Couv. de Peter Driben

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