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Art and Life n°109
Ballyhoo V8N3
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Beauty Parade V 8 n° 6
Beauty Parade V10 n° 1
Beauty Parade V10 n° 2

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Large size magazines

Beauty Parade V10 n° 2

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Beauty Parade V10N2 Mai 1951
Editeur L.Bennett
Avec : Robin Adair, Sally Robinson, Irma Pratt, Dee Cole, Evelyn Taylor, Kitty Lynne, Mavis Arden, Sue Hall, Gigi Grant, Judy Carroll, Lupe Gomez, Junie Allyn, Taffy Burns, Betty Graham, Lili Wayne, Bonnie Blair, Win Martin, Toni Sills, Valerie Wallace, Nelva Moore, Trudy Wayne, June Frew (poster central), Glen Grayson, Dee Palmer, Dwight Darling, Toni Sands, Lee King, June Allen, Kevin Daley, Baby Lake, Eve Nason, Alicia Cortes, Ruth Baker, Brenda Scott, Betty Windsor, June King, Tamara Daye, Kay James (Betty Page ?), Nita Dare, Pat Lowell, Roz brown, Claire Dereau, Sally Hall, Lawaune Ingram, Winnie Garrett, Pat naylor, Judy Ayer, Blair Hudson,
Catch féminin, cabaret, scènes comiques, exotisme (« Congo serenade »), fétichisme des bas (« Nylon fever », 2 pages)
Couv. De Peter Driben

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