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X Magazines (all countries, rare and old)

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Gros arrivage Revues rares  sur demande seulement.
Gros arrivage Revues rares  sur demande seulement.

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Rare old magazines :
Various publishers (all countries)

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Following the innovative Color Climax and some of their serious competitors
(this period was like that of the nice rock festivals not long enough) many small publishers seized the opportunity, some with talent but low finances, others more mediocre making more of the questionable copy of profitable firms.

These talented small producers produced a lot of rare little gems, which were not necessarily collected.

I have always saved them, I have a very large stock of them in all formats that I will gradually propose to you by commenting them of course !


Popular eroticism often sympathetic, talented and inventive, but very rare !

Journals are classified by publishers and are in condition L or T (like Mint).
Always check accurate condition by e-mail before ordering.

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To order you can access different items with a single click on the underlined words: Mode of employment, shipping, payment method accepted, state code and Danish magazines.