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Art and Life n°109
Ballyhoo V8N3
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Beauty Parade V 7 n° 4
Beauty Parade V 8 n° 4
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Large size magazines

Beauty Parade V 7 n° 4

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Beauty Parade V7 n°4 Octobre 1948
Ed. L. Bennett
Avec : Darlene Jones, Marie Foster, Ruth Everett, Helen Gilbert, Cherrel Foster, Edith Madison, Fran Martin, Ruby Bennett, Florence Agnes, Gregg Sherwood, Myrna Torleau, Claire Lester, Lola Random, Casey Dell, May Harte, Doris Dane, Edith Mott, Fran Manner, Eve Raymond, Terry Ford, Gloria Varela, Evelyn Rowe, Evelyn Ward, Jessie Tai, Rusty Roads, Baby Lake (poster central double page), Lili St.Cyr, Beverly Norman, Flora Wayne, Elizabeth Archer, Sunnie McKay, Argie Pennington, Farrel Wilson, Brandy Bryant, Gerry North, Esther marsh, Pat Peters, Mara Williams, Barbara Tracy, Darlene DeMos, Jeanne McCormack, Vickie Hayes, Estelle Coghan, Evelyn Smithe
Catch féminin (Ruth Murray / Mars Bennett), burlesque, cabaret, baseball / pin up, spanking, strip-tease (4 pages), lingerie, talons, bottes, bas, cravache, corset etc.
Couv. de Peter Driben

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